4.2. Mets parameters

The following screenshot shows the Mets parameters tab from Goobi’s project settings:

The configuration settings are explained below:

List of METS parameters for use when configuring the project


Typical value


METS rights owner

Example Library

Defines the METS rights owner.

METS rights owner logo

Defines a URL for a logo belonging to METS rights owner.

METS rights owner URL

Defines a URL for the METS rights owner.

METS rights owner contact


Defines a contact email address for the METS rights owner.

METS Digiprov reference

METS Digiprov Referenz

Defines a link to the catalogue entry for the source material.

METS Digiprov presentation

Defines a persistent link to the source material in the digital library.

METS Digiprov reference (anchor)

Defines a link to the catalogue entry for the overarching source item where the material being exported is part of a multi-volume source.

METS Digiprov presentation (anchor)

Defines a link to the overarching source item in the digital library where the material being exported is part of a multi-volume source.

METS pointer Path

Defines a link to a METS resolver for the source material. This link can be used later to download the METS file.

METS pointer path (anchor)

Defines a link to a METS resolver for the overarching source item where the material being exported is part of a multi-volume source. This link can be used later to download the METS file.

METS sponsor

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Contains the name of the digitisation sponsor, e.g. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

METS sponsor Logo

Contains a URL to a logo of the digitisation sponsor. The logo is integrated into the design of the DFG Viewer, where it replaces the DFG logo.

METS sponsor URL

Contains the sponsor’s website URL. The URL is linked in the DFG Viewer to the sponsor’s logo.

METS licence


Contains details of the licence under which the digitised material was published.

The information about the METS rights owner, METS rights owner logo, METS rights owner URL and METS rights owner contact can be found in the exported METS file in the section amdSec in the namespace dv. It is intended to ensure compatibility with the DFG viewer.

There follows an explanation of the three variables found in the column of typical values shown above:

  • $(meta.CatalogIDDigital) is replaced during export by the CatalogIDDigital of the source material from the METS file.

  • $(meta.topstruct.CatalogIDDigital) is replaced during export by the CatalogIDDigital of the multi-volume source material from the METS file.

  • $REGEXP(s/PPN=PPN/PPN=/) applies the defined regular expression to the entire line. In this case, a search is performed for PPN=PPN, which is then replaced by PPN=.

In addition to the configuration parameters listed above, the METS file groups can also be specified. The screenshot shows five defined file groups:

  • Min

  • Max

  • Thumbs

  • Default

  • Presentation

The file groups Min, Max, Thumbs and Default are intended to ensure compatibility with the DFG Viewer.

The configuration dialogue box used to configure these METS file groups is shown in the following screenshot:

Die hier bereitgestellten Konfigurationseinstellungen bedeuten folgendes:

Erläuterung aller Parameter zur Steuerung der METS-Dateigruppen-Generierung


Typical value




This setting defines the name of a METS file group. The name can be found in the attribute USE in the fileGrp area within fileSec in the METS file.


This parameter defines the base path in which the digital objects can be located. When exporting, the filename of the files from the _media folder is also written to this path. The file suffix required is defined in the Suffix field.

Mime Typ


This defines the Mime type of the files that are linked in this METS file group. Once the export is complete, this entry can be located in the MIMETYPE attribute for the file objects.



This defines the suffix for the files that are linked in this METS file group.

Validation against folder


This value is optional. If the field is blank, the file group will be generated normally. However, if it contains a value, Goobi will check perform a check within the file system for a directory in the images folder that corresponds to the value or method defined in this setting. If this is the case, the file group will be created using the files from this folder. If there is no such folder, the file group will not be created.

Any of the following methods is possible for the option Validation against folder:

Full list of variables for access to directories when validating file groups


Example result























In addition to the method names given above, it is also possible to specify folder names. A check will then be made for those folders within the images folder:


Example result







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